A Beginners Guide to Python for Web Development

Python frameworks in web development


Python has gained significant popularity among developers as a versatile and powerful programming language. Its simplicity, readability, and extensive collection of libraries make it an excellent choice for web development. In this article, we will explore the various tools and frameworks that enable you to leverage Python's capabilities to build robust and scalable web applications.

Getting Started

To get started with Python web development, you will need to install Python.

Setting up the Development Environment

Before diving into web development with Python, it's essential to set up your development environment. Start by downloading and installing Python on your system ( follow the link above ) and choosing an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or text editor that suits your preference. There are tons of IDEs and text editors but the most popular options include PyCharm, Visual Studio Code, and Sublime Text. Pycharm is very popular among Python developers, Sublime Text is smooth and fast while Visual Studio Code is popular among web developers in general and has a large library of extensions. The choice is up to you, test them out and find what works for you.

Python Web Frameworks

Python offers several frameworks that simplify web development by providing pre-built components and abstractions.

Are these frameworks really necessary? you might ask, why not just use the "pure" Python you already know, why the added complexity of frameworks?

Python can be used for web development without frameworks. While frameworks like Django and Flask provide a lot of convenience and functionality, they are not mandatory for building web applications with Python.

Without a framework, you would typically use Python's built-in modules and libraries to handle different aspects of web development. For example, you can use the built-in http.server module to create a basic HTTP server, handle requests, and serve static files. Similarly, you can use the socket module for lower-level networking operations.

However, building a web application from scratch without a framework is more time-consuming and requires a deeper understanding of web technologies and protocols. You would need to handle routing, requests, sessions, database interactions, and other functionalities manually which is no mean feat.

It's worth noting that frameworks provide various abstractions, tools, and patterns that simplify web development, improve security, and enhance productivity. They offer features like routing, request handling, template rendering, form validation, and database integration out of the box. Therefore, using a framework is generally recommended for most web development projects to save time and effort.

In that spirit, here are some widely-used Python web frameworks:

  • Django

    Django is a high-level, full-stack web framework known for its "batteries included" philosophy. It offers a robust set of tools and follows the Model-View-Template (MVT) architectural pattern, making it suitable for building complex web applications.

  • Flask

    Flask is a lightweight and flexible micro-framework that focuses on simplicity and extensibility. It provides the fundamental components needed for web development, allowing developers to have more control over their application's structure.

  • Pyramid

    Pyramid is a general-purpose web framework that emphasizes flexibility and scalability. It follows the minimalist "pay only for what you need" approach, making it suitable for a wide range of projects, from small applications to large-scale enterprise systems.

Among all these, Django is most popular followed by flask. Both frameworks are quite good and have active communities when you need help, eventually. Django has a steeper learning curve and is "opinionated" (has a defined way of doing things ) while flask is easier to learn and less rigid.

see https://hackr.io/blog/flask-vs-django for a more detailed comparisom.

Handling Web Requests

Python web frameworks provide mechanisms to handle incoming web requests and generate responses. Typically, this involves defining routes, which map specific URLs to functions or methods that process the requests. Here is a simple example using Flask:

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def hello_world():
    return 'Hello, World!'

if __name__ == '__main__':
  1. Templating: To generate dynamic web pages, Python web frameworks employ templating engines. These engines enable developers to separate the presentation logic from the business logic. Commonly used templating engines in Python include Jinja2 and Django's built-in templating system.

  2. Database Integration: Most web applications require persistent data storage. Python offers excellent support for integrating with various databases, both relational and NoSQL. Django includes its Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) layer, which allows you to interact with databases using Python objects. Flask and other frameworks provide extensions for integrating with different databases. Flask for example makes use of SQLAlchemy( a SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper ) for working with SQL databases.

  3. Authentication and Authorization: Security is a crucial aspect of web development. Python frameworks provide mechanisms for implementing user authentication(verifying a user's identity ) and authorization ( determining their access rights ). These features allow you to control access to certain parts of your application based on user roles and permissions.

  4. Deployment: Once you have developed your web application using Python, you need to deploy it to a production environment( this makes it accessible to anyone with an internet connection ). This typically involves configuring web servers like Apache or Nginx to handle incoming requests and serve your application. Each framework typically has its deployment tools such as Django's deployment checklist or Flask's built-in server to help simplify the process.

Conclusion: Python's versatility and extensive ecosystem make it a fantastic choice for web development. With powerful frameworks like Django, Flask, and Pyramid on the backend and PyScript on the frontend, you can rapidly build scalable and secure web applications. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, Python provides a user-friendly and flexible environment to create robust web solutions.